Delano Pressure Betterment Project – Delano, CA

As prime contractor for this project, Lyles Utility Construction installed over 6,100 LF of 8” polyethylene gas piping and constructed an in-line pressure regulating station to increase both the pressure and volume of natural gas in The Southern California Gas Company’s existing distribution system.  These pipeline pressure and volume upgrades were necessary in order to provide gas service to a new high volume food processing client.  Due to high traffic in the area, a horizontal directional boring unit was utilized to install the pipeline, limiting the impact of construction on the surrounding community. In addition to the new service installed, we tied-over six existing services from the existing pipeline to our new pipeline and completed three complete service replacements.  All piping was strength tested to confirm its safety, and ensure that it is in accordance with The Gas Company’s Standard Practices.

Utility Locating and Potholing Services

Lyles Utility Construction specializes in an extensive variety of engineering services including underground utility verification by means of traditional hand excavation or vacuum excavation.  Our vacuum excavation service utilizes pressurized water in combination with vacuum to safely excavate material to expose and visually confirm buried utilities. This methodology substantially reduces the costs of locating and verifying substructures by minimizing the man-hours needed to perform the task.  Our clients also experience savings in site restoration due to the relatively small excavation areas that require “hard” or “soft”-scape repairs.

In conformance with state law, Lyles Utility Construction notifies Underground Service Alert (USA) prior to performing excavations.  After excavation and upon visual inspection of each utility, we document it’s alignment, elevation, material type, size, and depth from surface. This information is then collated into a project specific report and transmitted with photos back to our clients for their use.

We are an environmentally conscious company and only use chalk based locate paints and potable water during excavation and backfill.  In conjunction with local authorities, we utilize SWPPP Best Management Practices to ensure that no water is allowed to escape our work area and flow in to natural tributaries or drain inlets.  We are a full service contractor and can provide a turnkey solution for all of your “utility locating” needs.

Arvin Pressure Betterment Project – Arvin, CA

Lyles Utility Construction completed this pressure betterment project in Arvin, California. The project included the construction of a new cross connection with PG&E, a pressure limiting station, and a new metering station. LUC’s scope of work  consisted of installing approximately 1,100LF of 3” through 12” steel high pressure gas piping and performing other work to support the project such as earthwork, site surfacing, concrete foundations, electrical conduit installation, and the setting of various pieces of monitoring equipment.  All piping was prefabricated and radiographically tested at our Bakersfield facility.  After piping installation was complete, the strength testing was performed to confirm safety, and ensure compliance with The SoCal Gas Standard Practices.

6″ Steel Natural Gas Pipeline Installation – Tehachapi, CA

On this project, Lyles Utility Construction installed a steel natural gas pipeline for Southern California Gas Co. that increases both pipeline pressure and volume in order to provide service to a new high demand customer.   Lyles Utility was responsible for welding and coating approximately 7,500 LF of 6” steel piping, and assisted SoCal Gas with the tie-in. The pipeline was installed in a high traffic area utilizing a horizontal directional boring unit to limit the impact of construction on the community.   In addition to the pipeline, a new 6” metering station was fabricated and installed in order to serve this new customer with gas. The pipeline was strength tested with nitrogen to guarantee safety in accordance with the SoCal Standard Practices.

PSEP Project: 30″ Segment Replacement – Lakewood, CA

Lyles Utility Construction served as the prime contractor on this Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP) project for Southern California Gas Co. performing all work related to excavation, fabrication, removal, installation, and hydrotesting of a 30” diameter steel repair segment. Due to the nature of this pipeline, all work was performed while the pipeline was live, thus requiring the use of fire control during welding operations. This repair segment was critical for the transmission of natural gas to over 20 communities within the LA Basin representing thousands of homes and businesses. The 20 hour tie-in on this 600 PSI pipeline was completed safely, without interruption or incident, to the satisfaction of our client.

Classroom-style Natural Gas Construction Training Program

Lyles Utility Construction believes the safest employees are the best trained employees. In 2014, Lyles Utility began augmenting its already high quality safety training programs and procedures with regular classroom seminars designed and presented by industry experts to provide detailed and specialized natural gas construction training to its employees.   The seminars are focused on the “how to” over subjects  that relate directly to work in the natural gas industry.  Recent subjects included, among other things, detailed safety training instruction on pipeline locating and hot tapping.

These classes have been well-received by employees and managers alike.  Said one Lyles Utility foreman,  “I love this training!  The information we cover helps to keep us and our co-workers safe.”  As a Lyles Utility Gas Operations Manager put it, “This type of specialized training program provides the best medium to train our construction staff to perform their jobs in a safe and efficient manner.”


Pipeline Integrity Project: Line 8109 – Cuyama, CA

This project was constructed as a part of the general So Cal Gas Pipeline Integrity Program to provide vital pipeline testing and inspection infrastructure. Lyles Utility Construction provided all manpower and equipment on this project and provided all manpower and equipment to fabricate, install and test high pressure “smart pig” facilities at two locations along existing Line 8109. Under this contract, Lyles Utility Construction constructed a 20” launching facility at the Cuyama Station and a 20” receiving station at the Apache Valve Station located 18 miles to the southwest.

8” Plastic Natural Gas Pipeline Installation – Atwater, CA

This design-build project was performed under a “PG&E Applicant Install” agreement which allowed for significant cost savings and schedule acceleration over the traditional “PG&E Utility Install” method. Lyles Utility Construction was the prime contractor and worked closely with the owner, our engineering partner, PG&E and the various public agencies and landowners during the design, permitting and construction of the project. This was a shared project between two owners, Gallo Cattle Co. and Foster Farms, and allowed them to convert the fuel supply at their processing plants from private propane systems to PG&E natural gas. To make the conversion, Lyles Utility Construction installed 39,000LF of 8” HDPE transmission gas pipeline. Upon completion, the facility was dedicated to PG&E who will own and operate the pipeline within their utility infrastructure.

Bonanza Ranch Natural Gas Well Conversion – Bakersfield, CA

Project: Convert  pump drivers from electric motors to natural gas fueled engines.

End Result: Owner captured significant operational savings from this conversion.

Lyles Utility Construction was the prime contractor on this design-build project in Southern California that allowed for the conversion of the pump drivers on the existing onsite Bonanza Ranch water production wells from electric motors to natural gas fueled engines with angle gear drives. Lyles Utility Construction worked closely with the Owner, our engineering partner and the Owner’s engine manufacturer during the design and construction of the gas pipeline conversion project.

Lyles Utility Construction installed 77,000LF of 2”, 4” and 6” HDPE distribution pipelines and 25 each 1 1/2” HDPE service pipelines. Upon completion of the gas pipeline conversion project, gas was delivered via a metered service provided by Southern California Gas Co. and the Owner captured significant operational savings.